This picture of the sunset was taken last evening from the front of our motel, La Casa, in Glasgow, Mt. We found it so lovely!
Today is Tuesday, Oct. 5. The sky is clear and it is 50 degrees. But we see clouds in the West, and the TV tells us that we will be driving through rain today. Dick's heart went into A-fib this morning for the 2nd. time on this trip. So out with the "magic" pill, Flecanide, and we hope that within two hours his heart will be of normal beating. We drive through wheat country and note that the harvest has been completed. The fields are all stripped of crops and now the working of the ground and planting must begin. The plains are dotted with both black angus and red angus cattle. They look so picturesque against the green and golden fields.

A dinosaur watched us as we drove by out of Glasgow. Many prehistoric models were on hand to watch the cars drive through this area.

The sunrise this morning. We were on the road by 7am today and enjoyed so much the beauty of the morning.
We cross the Belknap Indian Reservation at about 8am. It is overcast with rain sprinkles every now and then, but not yet rain. The sky becomes darker as we drive and Dick says he cannot see the road, so when we got to Haver, I took over the driving. At Haver there is much construction going on as they are working on a new highway, so it will be four lanes instead of two. We see a few oil dericks on the reservation as we drive by. We pass over the Sweet Grass Hills and see a beautiful herd of wild horses...about 30 in the group. They were multi-colored. We saw a coyote out looking for his breakfast by the side of the road as we entered the East Glacier area. Along the South Fork of the Flathead River, we shared a picnic lunch of a six-inch Subway sandwich that we had not finished from yesterday. When we arrived at West Glacier, the storms of rain were over with and the sky was clear again.

We enjoyed the colorful trees of fall as we drove. There were many stands of Quaking Aspen that were shades of bright yellow.

This is beautiful McGregor Lake and Thompson Lakes that followed the road for about 15 to 20 miles as part of the Logan State Park Systems. Rainbow Lake and Look Lake were also a part of this series that we could see as we drove.

The hiking trail into Kootenai Falls. We walked to a viewing platform over looking the top of the falls and took pictures. We could have hiked down farther to capture the entire falls, but the climb back up the trail was worrisome with Dick's heart problems. The magic pill had worked, but we didn't want to push our luck and possibly signal the A-fib to start in again.

This is the top of Kootenai Falls.

This is the Kootenai River many miles downstream from the falls.
At 4:30pm, we crossed over from Montana into Idaho. Our next stop was Sandpoint to get Bret some huckleberry pies at the Pie Hut. We got there just as they were closing, but the had just taken 3 pies out of the oven. We bought two to take home to Bret. They smelled so good and were so tempting to "just taste a little bit", but we were good and did not touch them. Then we found a lovely Best Western motel right at the edge of Lake Pend Orielle. A restaurant in the facility treated us to a fine dining menu. We will be home sometime on Thursday if all goes well with the rest of the journey.

Looking out our motel window at the Lake.