Dick at the Corn Palace.

The Missouri River

Dick at Cabela's
Lovely sunrise this morning, 61 degrees, slight overcast sky at 7:45am. After a continental breakfast at the Best Western, we headed east on I-90. We came to the Huge Missouri R. and examined an old keel boat of long ago as we crossed the Missouri at a historic Lewis and Clark Rest Area. We gased up when we got to Mitchell, S.Dak. The little focus did well.....38.3 mpg. We also went to the Cabela's Store and to the Corn Palace Venue. Then being tired of the freeways, we headed south on Rt. 37. On the back roads we saw lots of farmland raising crops of corn, maise, rye, soybeans and Milo. We learned that Milo is a crop that looks like corn, but has a very large cluster of seeds at the top. It is cut for silage and the farmers feed it to the cattle. We again crossed the Missouri into Nebraska at Yankton. We had a picnic of fruit and nuts at the top of the hill overlooking the Missouri. We crossed the Missouri again at Sioux City into Iowa. and followed the River all the way on I-29 South to Council Bluffs where we bedded down for the night at a Best Western.
Today is my Sister, Gayles's Birthday! Happy Birthday Sis! We love you!
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